Research on Horticultural Plants
Saturday ، 29 May 2021

Biotechnology provides powerful tools to supplement the traditional breeding methods with innovative approaches. Plant biotechnology consists of broad research studies, such as plant tissue culture, genetic engineering and molecular markers. These disciplines have the potential to improve the efficiency of classical breeding programs by identification of genome structure, evolution and expression.
One of the important purposes of plant studies is determination of plant growth and development, especially vegetative and generative reproduction. Successful propagation of plants requires a comprehensive understanding of plant morphology, physiology and genetic principles to overcome detrimental effects of environmental factors. In this regard, Tissue culture techniques play an important role to produce large numbers of ornamental species especially those propagated by vegetative methods. Currently, this technology is widely used for the large scale production of flowers and ornamental plants, medicinal plants, worthy trees and shrubs.
Considering the importance of ornamental plant industry, Ornamental Plant Biotechnology Research Department was established in ACECR’s Mashhad branch at 2008.
The groups research programs include:
1- Micropropagation of important ornamental plants; Modification of ornamental plant characteristics through classical breeding programs and genetic engineering;
2- Production and introduction of new ornamental plant cultivars;
3- Propagation of woody trees and fruits.
Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture
African violet propagation
This group has the necessary facilities for micropropagation, tissue culture, evaluation of growth stimuli and molecular studies.